

Group Leaders

Tasks & Responsibilities

Some Group Leaders see their role as introducing members to their favourite subject, often lecturing to their audience and giving them the benefit of possibly years of experience and research. Others are facilitators, providing the resources and environment to allow members to develop their own knowledge, skills and interest in the subject, including encouraging them to lead group meetings themselves.

Whatever the subject, leading any group usually involves several tasks which have to be carried out to make the group happen and keep it running successfully. These include:

1. Providing accurate information about your group to those responsible for maintaining the u3a’s groups programme, and Beacon database.
2. Booking venues and ensuring accurate invoices are passed to the u3a Treasurer for payment.
3. Ensuring your venue is safe and appropriate for the group’s needs. If it is not, then arranging alternative accommodation for group meetings.
4. Promoting your group to members and ensuring those interested are welcome and able to join and take a full part in meetings and activities.
5. Ensuring appropriate adjustments are made for any member's disabilities or additional needs so that all members may take as full and active a part in the group as they wish. Please contact the Accessibility and Inclusion Secretary for further information and advice.
6. Maintaining accurate registers of members attending group meetings, ensuring only current u3a members attend, identifying non-attenders and, where appropriate, maintaining waiting lists and ensuring that those on the waiting list can join your group should vacancies arise).
7. Communicating with members to ensure they are up to date with group activities and are aware of any changes or special requirements.
8. Encouraging members to be fully involved in the activities of the group and the wider u3a, in keeping with the u3a’s self help philosophy.

This list is not exhaustive, but neither is it just one person’s job list. Many of these tasks can be easily shared amongst group members, perhaps with one member as coordinator making sure things happen as they should. A list of names of members and equipment should be shared with a second group member in any case, to ease the situation if a Group Leader becomes suddenly indisposed.

Some tasks must be done at particular times of the year - click below for more information.

Looking for an alternative venue for your group? Click below to see a list of all venues currently being used by our groups.

There are lots of resources available to help you - click below for more.

Click below to go straight to the Group Leaders' Handbook.